Sustainability in Tusass
Our most important task is to develop a secure and sustainable infrastructure that supports the digital needs of the society. We work to create digital opportunities that strengthen the community, as well as digital security for the primary school students, citizens and the business communities.
Goal 4:
Quality Education
We want to contribute in strengthening the next generation to become skilled at using IT-technology. We want to contribute improving effective and relevant outcomes for children and young people in their learning.
Goal 7:
Affordable and Clean Energy
Green energy solutions on our sites will ensure robust infrastructure and contribute to the introduction of environmentally friendly technologies in Greenland.
Goal 9:
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
As a leading provider of digital infrastructure, we want to provide a secure and reliable infrastructure for all citizens in Greenland.
Goal 17:
Partnership for the Goals
We want to establish strong partnerships to ensure a common sustainable development.

The Sustainable Development Goals

The World Goals for Sustainable Development consist of 17 goals and must, by 2030, set the course for more sustainable development - economically, socially and environmentally.

Tusass works with sustainability based on a business-driven principle. We have identified 4 SDGs as the primary to our contribution, where we create a real difference for society while also creating value for our business.

The Sustainable Development Goals

As a member of the UN Global Compact, Tusass is committed to taking responsibility for the 10 principles that are based on internationally recognized conventions on human rights, labour rights, environment, and anti-corruption. Tusass is also a member of CSR Greenland and Transparency International Greenland, who also work to promote the responsibility agenda in Greenland.

The Digital Education Boost

A path to development and learning

We focus on supporting the development of children and young people through projects in a digital perspective and strengthen the next generation with creative competencies in an increasingly digital world. Children and young people must not only be super users of the digital solutions, they must be creative and innovative with technology that is absolutely central to the development of society.

Tusass secures the connections that bring Greenland into the digital age. It creates a common value in society and for Tusass´ business activities in an increasingly digitalized future.

Tusass is currently working on the following projects within the digital education boost:

Coding Class

Tusass offers all 8th graders a teaching course that is about students learning to code creative games. The students will be strengthened in design processes and coding, through analysis of issues, innovation, collaboration and presentation techniques.

We have two teachers with strong competencies within innovation, technology and creative competencies in children and young people.

For more information about our Coding Class teaching course, contact Team Leader for Coding Class, Tanja Christensen at

Coding Class Championship

Tusass organized its first Coding Class Championship for the classes that have been taught in Coding Class courses in 2021. Johannes Blidstrand from Qaqortoq won the Coding Class Championship in Greenland, as well as the ‘Code Prize’ at the Virtual Coding Class final in Denmark.

Coding in Children's Sparetime

In collaboration with Coding Pirates Denmark, we provide the opportunity for children and young people to come and code and be creative with technology in their spare time.

For more information about our Coding Pirates events, contact Team Leader for Coding Class, Tanja Christensen at

Technology Understanding for Teacher Students

In collaboration with the Department of Learning and the Center for Teaching Aids at the Future Classroom Lab, we contribute to a pilot module that will in future develop a class on technology understanding at Ilinniarfissuaq, which strengthens future teachers to be able to teach based on technology understanding.

Climate and Enviroment

We are working towards a greener production and operation. This includes investing in establishing wind and solar energy at several of our remote sites. We do this, not only to minimize dependence on fossil fuels for operations, but also to reduce CO2 emissions. This not only gives us more environmentally friendly operations, but also increases our supply reliability and improves efficiency for the benefit of Greenland and the next generation.

– CEO, Toke Binzer

It is Tusass' ambition to use sustainable energy as the primary energy source, if that makes sense, both environmentally and in a business sense. There is therefore an ongoing focus on developing, testing and testing new methods so that we can increase the proportion of renewable energy on our sites. Energy consumption is a regular part of our considerations when selecting new technology. In parallel with the projects, we must have found the best method for reporting on climate and the environment.


Company policy of
Corporate Social Responsibility
Document | pdf
Company policy of
Document | pdf
Company policy of
Enviroment and Climate
Document | pdf
Company policy of
Human Rights
Document | pdf
Code of Conduct
Hent | pdf


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