What can we help you with?
You can retrieve a new SIM card, free of charge, in the nearest Tusass store or in Pilersuisoq if you're in a settlement.
You will not be charged to switch to Tusass if your current mobile plan is Mobil Mikisoq / Akulleq / Angisooq.
You will get any payments for your current mobile plan and extra usage in the month you switch to a Tusass subscription returned. However, you will get the full package for any Tusass subscriptions as soon as you switch. You will then be charged according to how many days are left in the month when you decided to switch. The first full payment for your new Tusass Subscription will occur the following month.
The system will assess your debt situation if you have outstanding debt to Tusass.
You can contact us at your local Tusass store, call us at 808080 or send an e-mail to kundeservice@tusass.gl if you need any assistance with such issues.
You have to log on Tusass.gl with your mobile number and click “Abonnement” (translation: subscription) and click the on/off button to re-activate your Tusass subscription.