What can we help you with?
You must click on the human icon in the top right corner of tusass.gl and follow the instructions.
Once you are logged in, you can change your subscription, such as switching to another payment card, changing the mobile data size and viewing the payment overview.
You can cancel your internet subscription by logging in to the self-service at tusass.gl, where you can see your current internet subscription, then you can click on "cancel".
Note: In the same month that you have upgraded or purchased the subscription, you cannot downgrade or cancel the subscription. You will therefore not be able to see the "cancel" button until a new month has started.
You must also be aware that you must terminate by the 20th of the month at the latest if it is to take effect at the end of the month. You pay for an extra month and have access to the subscription for an extra month if you cancel after the 20th of the month.