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What is a subscription?

A subscription is an agreement for a continuous supply of a product or service for a given period.

Once the subscription is paid, the consumption can be initiated.

The subscription is paid back monthly and paid with an invoice.

The subscription agreement can be terminated at any time.

- The deadline for cancellation is no later than the 20th of a month if the termination is to apply from the next month. If the cancellation is reported after the deadline of the 20th has been canceled, the next month's subscription is paid and the cancellation is postponed to the month after.

How do I cancel my Tusass Business mobile subscription?

By contacting the nearest Tusass store or the Tusass Business Sales Department at +299 80 80 90.

Tusass Business mobile subscription will terminate at the end of the month, if you terminate no later than the 20th of the month. You will pay for an extra month, if you cancel after the 20th of the month.

Can I transfer my phone number?

Transfer can be made from a business customer to another business customer at any Tusass store or the Tusass Business Sales Department (+299 80 80 90). The transfer will become valid at the time requested of the customer. However, the transfer order must be made no later than the 20th of the month if the transfer is to take effect at the next month.

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