Sponsorship and Membership Policies
On 17 February 2015, Tusass' Board of Directors approved the following policy for the company's sponsorships and memberships.
Tusass runs telecommunications and postal services throughout Greenland, and we are owned by the community. We therefore place great emphasis on fulfilling our role in a way that balances the expectations and interests of all our stakeholders. And we are therefore also very careful in choosing which organizations and activities we support through sponsorship or membership.
To ensure full transparency about which activities Tusass supports, the Board of Directors may decide that the names, duration, amount and nature of Tusass' support for concluded sponsorships and active memberships must be made public. Each year, the Board of Directors adopts a maximum budget for Tusass´ sponsorships and memberships in the following year.

Sponsorship Policy in Tusass
Sponsorship Policy in Tusass
Tusass is one of Greenland's largest and most important companies, and it is a natural part of the company's social responsibility to sponsor activities that can have a clear and lasting positive effect - in the local community, nationally or in relation to Greenland's international reputation. We also use sponsorships as part of the company's branding and marketing, provided, however, that the sponsored activities have a good connection with the company's core values.
We primarily sponsor activities where the company's core competencies in information and communication technology or fast and efficient letter and parcel shipments are an important success factor. Sponsorships are given in the form of the company's services and services and not as cash amounts.
The Activities We Support
A higher level of education is among the most important milestones on the road to a self-sustaining society. Tusass wants to contribute to children and young people gaining high self-esteem and a desire to implement the goals they set in life through education, and that they can receive the necessary support and backing from home and society. We therefore support projects for vulnerable children, activities that reduce barriers to learning and initiatives that, through increased access to communication, strengthen the community.
We want to help alleviate societal problems, but we must also not forget the positive: We thus also want to strengthen optimism, joy and pride through unifying cultural experiences and to contribute to increased interest in exercise and health.
Tusass finds great value in our identity as a community-owned company, but does not support political parties and associations. Just like Tusass basically does not provide support to individuals. Through sponsorship or membership, we can support external activities that are related to our own efforts for human rights, labor rights, the environment and anti-corruption.
Tusass prefers to support sports and charitable causes through national organizations, not local associations. We do not provide scholarships or support for study trips. Contributions to training activities within the Tusass´ business area are not implemented as sponsorship, but as part of our HR strategy.
Business development is a necessary prerequisite for growth and prosperity in the Greenland of the future, and thus also for a positive development within Tusass' business areas. We do not provide business support, but are happy to enter into collaboration with other parties to strengthen Greenland's international reputation and the competitiveness of Greenlandic companies, for example through a focus on efficient digital platforms and logistics solutions.
How We Support
Tusass's sponsorships primarily consist of us making employees, products and knowledge available to the recipient free of charge. Even non-cash sponsorships are calculated in kroner and øre, so its real scope is transparent. This also sharpens our own focus on choosing the activities that have the greatest potential in relation to the goals we have with our sponsorship.
For long-term and / or extensive sponsorships, a written agreement is entered into that specifies the nature and the expected scope of Tusass' contribution, including describing the recipient's obligations in relation to the sponsorship. Ongoing sponsorships are reconsidered at least once a year.
Extent of Support
The applicant must give a specific account of the desired amount of support. For sponsorships that include telephony, internet or other valued services, an expected consumption need must be stated. Based on this, Tusass can set maximum limits for sponsored consumption, the duration of the sponsorship, approval of specific users, etc.
Only after acceptance by Tusass´'s board can sponsorships be entered into with an estimated value of DKK 200,000 or more.
Membership Policy
Membership Policy
We are a member of interest groups that can strengthen our knowledge and relevant influence in society, in the labor market and in the telecommunications and logistics industry. Through memberships, we can also support external activities related to the company's own efforts for human rights, labor rights, the environment and anti-corruption.
Tusass is not a member of associations and forums that are deemed to be contrary to our core values or that could damage our reputation. Tusass is not a member of associations or forums that directly or indirectly support political parties.
Membership of interest groups that have a political function can only be entered into on the basis of the approval of the board.
Update and Responsibilities
Once a year, the Tusass´ Board of Directors reviews the company's sponsorship and membership policies.
The Executive Board handles the company's ongoing relationship with sponsorship applicants as well as the associations and cooperation forums of which Tusass is a member.