If you are one of those who still do not quite feel comfortable shopping online, then we have gathered some good advice on how you can shop most safely when shopping online.

Assess Whether It Is an Advantage to Buy Abroad
It is possible that you can save DKK 100 on e.g. a digital camera, but your rights in terms of insurance and right of return may be different when you buy from a foreign site. Therefore, always read the terms and conditions. Also, remember that many items can also be bought from Greenlandic online stores.

How to Spot a Scam Shop
If an offer sounds too good to be true, then be extra careful.
Check if there is a physical address, email and telephone number in the "About us" section. If it is a Danish webstore, then also check if the CVR number is stated.
Find out how to get in touch with the online store. If it can only be contacted via a contact form, then do not shop there.
See if others recommend the online store at trustpilot.com or other similar sites.
If the text is in questionable Danish or English, it is a sign of poor machine translation. Be wary.
Questionnaires, sample packages and online contests can cover up scams and cheating. Always read the small prints before participating in a competition or accepting a good offer.
Otherwise use common sense.

Pay Securely
When shopping online, it is usually safest to pay with a debit or credit card, where you enter the card number, expiration date and check digits. Otherwise, MobilePay and Paypal are also a secure payment method.
If you have paid by debit or credit cards, the bank will in a number of cases be able to return your money - also called charge back. This applies regardless of whether the online store is located in the EU or outside the EU. The rules also apply if you have paid with a payment app on your mobile.
The bank will be able to refund your money if:
The online store charges more money than agreed
You do not receive the item or you receive a wrong item
You regret the purchase before you receive the item and the online store does not refund your money

Buy VAT Free
There is no VAT on goods in Greenland. However, be aware of whether there is VAT on the goods you buy, e.g. in Denmark. The store where you buy your goods is not obliged to refund the VAT. If the VAT is not deducted directly when purchasing via a website, you can ask the seller if they want to reimburse the VAT and agree on how the VAT is reimbursed.
Tusass does not charge import duty to process packages and letters on arrival in Greenland.
Read more about customs and taxes here.
If you have questions about VAT exemption on goods to Greenland, you are welcome to write to us at post@tusass.gl.

Follow Your Package With Track & Trace
If you choose Tusass when you need to send a package or receive an item you have purchased online, Tusass will make sure that your shipments arrive safely. With Track & Trace, you, both as recipient and sender, can follow the journey of your package at any time. Click here.

If You Get Cheated
If you are so unlucky that you are exposed to online scams, be sure to block your card immediately and pay special attention to suspicious transactions through your account. Contact your bank for further assistance. You can report the website to the police.
Sources: forbrug.dk, e-mærket, MobilePay and Tusass